Recent Projects

Provincial support for the newly introduced Integrated Forestry Project (IFP), including 23 Natural Forest Districts and the 8 Forest Regions
Support for Resource Road Systems (RRS), Status and Clearance Service Component (SNCSC), and Natural Resource Online Services (NROS)
Support for the Data Integrity Specialist Team (MOF)
Data Quality Reporting and Validating using Certify™
Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Forest Tenure FTA Data Clean up Project (MOF)
Recreation Tenure Clean up Project (MTSA)
Forest Tenure Woodlot Updates (MOF, District of Quesnel)
Forest Tenure Roads Updates (MOF, District of Kamloops)
Conversion of Provincial Recreation Data to Current Standards
Creation of Fraser Valley Vegetation Maps (WLAP)

Mountain Pine Beetle Aerial Overview Maps (MOF)
Reviewing and Updating Community Wildfire Protection Plans(CWPP), including Emergency Wildfire maps and datasets
Grizzly Bear Orthophotography Mapping
Bighorn Sheep Herd Registry Mapping
Biodiversity on the Dominion Coal Block
Species at Risk Locations incorporating sensitive CDC data
Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park Habitat Mapping
Carbon Offset Reforestation Opportunity Mapping
Gypsy Moth Aerial Mapping (MOF)
Conversion of Forest Health data to a standard Provincial Dataset
Historical Garry Oak Ecosystem Mapping
Comparative Analysis of Historical South Okanagan Habitat

Compilation of Land Survey Records for CRD and the Township of View Royal
GPS Mapping and inventorying of trails for the District of Saanich
Interactive Fire PDF Mapbook for the Township of View Royal
Webmap updates using Geocortex and ESRI, automated with FME scripting from Tempest and AutoCAD datasets for the District of Central Saanich
Thematic Streetmap with addressing for the Township of View Royal
Fire Response Time Mapping for the District of Central Saanich
Wallmap with a grid system tied to addressing for the Township of View Royal
Managing Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) datasets for every municipality in British Columbia